Stay safe from the virus and protect your skin and hands

Blog & Media In light of the recent virus outbreak, many of us have been wearing surgical masks and washing or sanitizing our hands more frequently to help prevent the spread of viruses. However, did you know that these measures may inadvertently cause your skin and hands to become sensitive, inflamed and irritated? These products […]
Treatment of the Week: Ready Set Gold

Blog & Media This week we are focusing on our best selling treatment, Ready Set Gold, available at Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore. Have we piqued your interest to try this unique treatment? Click here now or call 6831 4349 to make a appointment now!
Spa Safely

Blog & Media During these past months of uncertainty and change, we have been looking forward to the day when we can welcome guests back to Essence Vale Spa @Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore. We are excited to announce that we are reopening our spa on 20 June 2020 (Saturday) and will operate based on the Phase 2 reopening guidelines […]